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Surrounded by the vibrant landscapes of Phoenix, Arizona, my passion for storytelling and visual arts blossomed from a young age. As the eldest sibling in a bustling household, I naturally gravitated towards leadership roles, honing my communication and organizational skills early on.


Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Video Production, I embarked on a multifaceted career that spanned over a decade, shaped by the eclectic backdrop of Phoenix. This city instilled in me an appreciation for diverse narratives and visual styles.


Throughout my journey, I've worn many hats, transitioning from roles as a Communications leader and storyteller to those of an Editor and Art Director. Collaborating with incredibly talented individuals and organizations, I've poured my heart and soul into crafting visually captivating experiences.




In my role as a Communications leader, I've had the privilege of spearheading projects that bridge cultures, amplify voices, and spark meaningful conversations. Whether it's crafting compelling narratives for social media campaigns or orchestrating multimedia storytelling initiatives, I thrive on creating connections and fostering engagement.


As a storyteller, I've embraced the power of narrative to inspire, educate, and provoke thought. From scripting documentaries that shed light on social issues to developing branded content that resonates with audiences, I've leveraged my storytelling prowess to craft impactful experiences that leave a lasting impression.


Transitioning into the realm of editing and art direction, I've continued to push creative boundaries and elevate visual storytelling. Proficient in industry-standard editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Photoshop, I bring a wealth of technical know-how to every project. My versatility extends beyond editing, encompassing strategic communication, storytelling prowess, and leadership acumen.


Beyond the editing suite, I'm a passionate explorer of diverse cultures, a devoted cinephile, and a staunch believer in the transformative power of storytelling. My journey from the arid landscapes of Phoenix has not only shaped my professional trajectory but also enriched my personal growth as a creative individual.


With each project I undertake, whether as a Communications leader, storyteller, or Editor and Art Director, my goal is to transcend boundaries, stir emotions, and leave a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.


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